Your Soulful Podcast

E 124: Energy Updates for You and Patterns You Can Let Go of This Year

Charlotte Beswick

In this jam-packed episode, I’m diving into the energetic shifts and patterns I'm seeing both in the collective and personally. Let’s talk about the crumbling (yep, it’s a thing), the rebirth, and the juicy transformations available for you on the other side. ✨

Here’s what we’re vibing on today: 👇

➡️ The BIG energy updates shaking things up on a global + personal level 🌍
➡️ Why inauthenticity is OUT and living your truth is the only way forward
➡️ Overwhelm, stress, and saying YES when you mean NO – how to shift out of these patterns 🚫
➡️ Realigning your priorities (hint: it’s time to put YOU first)
➡️ Why overthinking is so 2024 + what’s IN for 2025

We’re keeping it real, raw in this one – no filters, no fluff, just the truth. 💯 I even share some personal stories (including my mom’s passing and its life-changing lessons 💔➡️💡). So grab your tea, your journal, or just take this episode on a walk with you.

📝 Get my FREE Bold Journal Prompts to break through the BS and take BOLD AF Action: [Download Your Prompts]

💖 Want clarity + energetic alignment? Book a virtual or in-person Reiki session with me: [Book Here]

🎁 Don’t forget to complete the feedback questionnaire to WIN a 45-min intuitive reading with me! [Complete Here]

Big love💖
Charlotte xx

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